Welcome Friends

Please do not bother to read my Blog if you do not know me and my beliefs, or wish to know me. I do not post for comment but to express my thoughts and feelings about our world and some of the disturbing trends. I post from the experiences I have had and my Faith in God and Country in that order.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Liberal V/S Conservative

I am a conservative by nature so if this comes off biased I am sorry it is not intended to be. Really I just want to clarify for myself what I believe and why.
The Liberal believes it is the Governments responsibility to take care of the populace. To make decisions for them because the populace is too stupid, or lazy to make good decisions for themselves. That all people should have equal housing, medical care, food. They also believe that they can make better decisions for a persons life than that person.
The conservative believes that the populace should care for each other voluntarily and the government should only intervene when someone is unable to physically care for themselves. That no one can make better decisions for your own life than you can. That you have the right to fail if you make the wrong decision.
The Liberal believes that all people should have a strong self image.
The Conservative believes you earn your self image.
The Liberal believes all life is sacred...except the unborn.
The Conservative believes all life is sacred...but may make an exception for a murderer.
The Liberal believes that they know how best to spend your money...higher taxes..bigger government...more social programs.
The Conservative believes that you can and should be able to spend what you earn. Smaller government (although recent years would not convince you of this) Social programs should come from the community.
The Liberal believes in education...but also that if you are educated you will think like them.
The Conservative believes in education...but that you are responsible for learning..and will learn to think for yourself.
The Liberal believes in peace and diplomacy. Peace at all costs.
The Conservative believes "walk softly but Carry a big stick"
The Liberal believes in the 'Separation of Church and State"
The Conservative believes the "Government should make no law governing the practice of religion"
The Liberal believes the constitution is a living document to be interpreted by the rules of the societal age.
The Conservative believes the Constitution is a living document to be changed in meaning only through the amendment process..that asks the will of the people.
The Liberal believes in personal choice. A woman can choose to kill her baby. A man must be forced to pay child support.
The conservative believes the child has a right to be born once conceived.
The Liberal believes in Gay marriage.
The conservative believes marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman.
I believe that homosexuals should have rights as a couple, but that it should not be called marriage.
Liberals believe in the right of the individual to chose....so long as it is their way.
The conservative believes in the right to conscience...Dr.s and medical personnel should not be forced to do things against their conscience.
The Liberal believes in saving the environment at the cost of human existance.
The conservative believes in stewardship of the planet to the good of humankind.
There are so many more things but my brain is numb.

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