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Please do not bother to read my Blog if you do not know me and my beliefs, or wish to know me. I do not post for comment but to express my thoughts and feelings about our world and some of the disturbing trends. I post from the experiences I have had and my Faith in God and Country in that order.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Cutting the Budget

I was listening to the radio again and they were talking about Colin Powell saying that the American people want more government and were willing to pay higher taxes to get it. Wow that concept makes no sense to me at all. So they were talking what were we willing to give up to cut the budget.
1. Endowment to the Arts....let the rich and the stars do it.
2. No funding for abortions.. these are future taxpayers
3. No retirement for Congressmen/ Women ....this was meant for people to give back to their country after they gained maturity.. not a career choice ( this includes Senators)
4. Reasonable expenses..but no salary for Senators or Congressmen..Fly to and from home via coach and only once a year. Congress take care of Business in 6 months.....Period.
5. Budget Military and National security ( this includes the border) First.
6.No more funding for pet projects...if it does not benefit the entire country then the state should do it.
7. Welfare ends.... programs for people who are adults and cannot help themselves emphasis on Cannot. Help for orphans. The details on this need some work...but no more aid to non-citizens and no more aid to people who can work but won't..aid could be limited to training if necessary...worst case they clean streets.. dig ditches..do childcare for the other workers but must do something for the money. No more something for nothing programs for any able bodied person.
8. Education.. the three R's first! Additional programs in schools funded by the state, county, city. Music is important, sports is not. Math and Science have to come before football and track.
Special Ed only for those truly in need discipline for the disruptive.
9. Finally Programs that have been guaranteed.. Social Security for those who already paid in..work out the future if you must. Medicare for those on Social Security and they shouldn't need to pay for it and still need insurance. If there is no other way then cut it so they can afford to buy full insurance, and raise Social Security to pay them back for paying into Medicare.
10. Medicaid..basic services only..emergency room service only for emergencies..if it wasn't a necessary visit medicaid won't pay and the recipient will.
11. Prisons..if they are not a DANGER to society educate them but do not incarcerate.
12. Legalize drugs and tax them.
Just a start I am sure there is more. I know that any contractor who sees the Government as the payer the price triples before they cut a 'deal'
Just doing some think here help me out.

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