Welcome Friends

Please do not bother to read my Blog if you do not know me and my beliefs, or wish to know me. I do not post for comment but to express my thoughts and feelings about our world and some of the disturbing trends. I post from the experiences I have had and my Faith in God and Country in that order.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Being A Christian

These days a lot of people say they are Christian....While I cannot tell another persons heart I can certainly see their actions. I try not to let my actions have people say "If she's a Christian I want no part of Religion" Those who do not follow Christ sometimes do not understand... I would like them to understand a few things from my perspective:
1 I attend Church regularly not because I am pious but because I need the company of other believers to help me to be truer to my faith.
2 I attend Church on the Sabbath, not because I think I am better than others or even because I think they are wrong...but because God rested on the Seventh Day and I want to model after him. I want to show God my respect and this is what I believe is wanted of me.
3 I believe the Bible to be a true and accurate account....Don't laugh you believe your ancestors were apes and farther back amoebas.
4 I do not believe I am better than you.. in fact I think we are both stained by sin, I have accepted Christs sacrifice to cleanse my sin.
5 I believe that sin is... doing the wrong thing. I also believe it is dwelling on a wrong thought. A thought that if acted upon would bring harm to another person.
6 I believe there is but ONE truth...we may never discover all the truth...we can all be wrong... but we cannot all be right.
7 I believe that if you really believe in the religion you practice it excludes all others. ( In Christianity it does not mean denominations are exclusive..but to be a Christian excludes being a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu or a Buddhist)
8 I believe that God will forgive us if we truly repent... are sorry and turn from that behavior.
9 I believe that not everyone who professes to be a Christian is one and I am sorry for that.
10 I do not believe that God approves of abortion.
11 I believe it is taking Gods name in vain to call yourself a Christian to influence others when you are not.
12 I believe that we are in the end times and praise God.

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