Welcome Friends

Please do not bother to read my Blog if you do not know me and my beliefs, or wish to know me. I do not post for comment but to express my thoughts and feelings about our world and some of the disturbing trends. I post from the experiences I have had and my Faith in God and Country in that order.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wow Time for an update

So much has happened in my life in the last year. I will start with God Blessing us with the ability to buy our own home. a small place out of town, meaning farther to work more planning when it comes to shopping as it means a 13 mile trip to town if I forget to buy something and the trip must be made if I forget something important like say.....Toilet Paper. Okay don't laugh but it really does seem that the older I get the more my brain leaks. (Watch "Flight of The Navigator" if you don't get the reference) I forget things mostly just unimportant things like when Bill is going to be at the bowling alley to sub but sometimes really important things like needing something at the store.
Okay I got off track, see what I mean about the brain leaking! We got moved and believe me I use WE loosely see my Facebook pictures you will see how Bill got us moved with a little help from his friends even his ex-wife, I continued to work while he got us moved. We are still after a year trying to get settled in.
This spring on the way to Nationals in Reno we blew the engine in the Corsica, you should see the hole in the engine block you could put your fist through it. God was definitely with us as we continued through the canyon in Utah, Bill driving and me Praying finally getting to an exit with a Restaurant and really nothing else. we parked in the parking lot and Bill went in, it was cold and getting ready to snow. The people were so nice they called a towtruck who had to come 20 miles and was there in 20 minutes. Believe it or not the tow only cost us 60 bucks which the insurance repaid us. We had to rent a room and now it is snowing it cost 40, the room was so nice a king bed, twin beds a completely furnished kitchenette and a sofa that would also make a queen size bed. I want to go back sometime and spend a week with these lovely people. Bill called his nephew Chad in Las Vegas, he hopped on a plane immediately flew to Salt Lake City , rented a car and drove the additional 2 hours to pick us up. then we drove all night to get to the hotel in Reno have a nap and show up for Bill to bowl. We can never repay the kindnesses to us no reimburse Chad for the time and money he spent on our behalf. The plus next year Chad will be bowling with Bill at National's, again in Reno. We can hardly wait the entry has already been paid. It is just a matter of time now. Like I said God was indeed with us.
Next week Kathy will finally get to see our house as her and Benny come up for a short visit. I have arranged a Tea Party on the Patio Set Gary bought us as a house warming present. I am bringing together a group of women who are dear to me but have never met. I can hardly wait.
God has also drawn me to teach his word in our home, I have no idea if anyone will show up but I will be obedient and be ready anyway. Already I lead a Bible Study at work soon most of those ladies will be unemployed and in need of Pray and I hope they have learned to better rely on God. I Pray tha God uses me to further his will.
Later, God Bless

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